Spiritual warfare is very real.
There is a fierce and ferocious battle raging in the realm of the spirit
between the forces of God and the forces of evil. This warfare happens every
day, all the time. We are in a battlefield. We are in warfare!
The moment we become Christians,
the devil’s grip over our lives is broken, we cease to be his children, and we
become a threat to him. He begins to see us as his enemy and seeks to either
win us back or destroy us. We are therefore immediately thrust onto the front
line of this brutal battle whether we appreciate it or not, whether we like it
or not, and whether we know it or not!
The first thing we need to know
is who the enemy is. The Bible makes it very clear in Ephesians 6 that we are
not fighting against people made of flesh and blood, but against the evil
rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against those mighty powers of
darkness who rule this world, and against wicked spirits in the heavenly
realms. In other words, we are fighting Satan, the devil, an enemy who is a
spirit. The enemy is therefore not your mother-in-law, or your neighbour, or
your boss at work!
We are waging war against an
enemy who is invisible to the naked eye. Therefore, to stand a chance, we must
rely totally and completely on God, because He is Spirit and He can see the end
of a thing from its beginning. Our weapons are mighty through God, and we are nothing
without Him. In reality, the battle is His; we are merely His battle-axes!
On the cross of Calvary, Jesus
obtained total victory over sin, sickness, and death. He triumphed over the
Enemy through His death and resurrection. Jesus Christ’s triumph at Calvary
means that in this warfare, our victory has been predetermined. Jesus, the
greater one, far superior to the Enemy, is with us, therefore we are assured of
triumph and victory. This is the only battle where the outcome is preordained
and predestined, even before the fighting begins. In other words, we fight from victory not for victory! The Bible
confirms this in Romans 8:37 where it says, “No, despite all these things,
overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us” (NLT).
This battle continues until we depart
from this world. As we go on in this battle, spectators are urging us on. These
are the saints triumphant, i.e., the Christians who have died and gone ahead of
us to heaven, who have now become “a cloud of witnesses” and who are cheering us
(C) Pedro Okoro, Blogger, Author, Pastor. You can follow Pedro on Twitter: http://twitter.com/pedrookoro
(C) Pedro Okoro, Blogger, Author, Pastor. You can follow Pedro on Twitter: http://twitter.com/pedrookoro
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